share more, waste less

Add a QR code to items you want to share.

A free solution for reducing food waste and overpurchasing in a shared living space

print QR labels

Use any printer with these supported label sheets to create QR codes for your kitchen and pantry, or pay $1 / sheet to get labels in the mail.

attach to shared items

Stick a QR code on anything you want to share or track. Scan the code to configure initial details like name, price, and quantity.

scan to share

Adding a label is a frictionless invitation to share something. Anyone can accept the offer by scanning the code and entering what they took.

settle up later

Debts between individuals are automatically calculated and simplified into Splitwise.

optimize your sharing

Automatically re-order household items with Instacart, and set up dedicated reusable containers for shared items.

An experiment in sustainability

Enable long-term sharing

Ad-hoc sharing breaks down over time if participants believe they are contributing more or less than others, or feel obligated to participate.

Reduce expired food waste

When items get tagged for sharing, all group members can monitor expiration dates and incentivize each other to save edible food from being wasted.

Completely free, forever

Support the project by purchasing pre-printed labels or donating to cover server costs. All future updates and features will be available to everyone.

support the project

You can receive pre-printed sheets of unique QR codes in the mail and support this experiment in sustainability.

$ × 30 labels / $1 = 300 labels mailed to
free shipping with USPS

© Keshav Saharia, 2021